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Forever Absorbent-C

Forever Absorbent-C

Main ingredients:
Oat bran, sorbitol (sweetener), honey, vitamin C, stearic acid, natural citrus flavor, citrus bioflavonoids, papaya powder, silicon dioxide. It is 100% natural, without saccharin, made entirely of natural ingredients, free of chemical agents, preservatives and pigments. The content of each Absorbent-C is equal to the vitamins required by 100% adults.


燕麦麸、山梨醇(甜味剂)、蜂蜜、维生素C、硬脂酸、天然柑橘香料、柑橘生物类黄酮、木瓜粉、二氧化矽。百分之百純天然,不加糖精,完全使用天然成份制成,不含化化学剂、防腐剂和色素, 每片 Absorbent-C的成份相等于100%成人所需的维他命。

  • 主要功效

    增强免疫系统能力,淡疤/淡斑,促进胶原蛋白的形成, 抗氧化剂, 减低敏感反应,预防/减轻贫血, 美白,促进痊愈, 伤口愈合,减少胆固醇的吸收,促進排便減低直腸癌罹患率,預防老化預防癌症,防止色素沈澱,強化微血管壁預防淤血,強化骨骼膠原結合,增加抗病能力,促進新陳代謝,消除疲勞,减低青春痘严重性

  • Main functions:

    Strengthens the immune system, lightens scars / spots, promotes the formation of collagen, antioxidants, reduces sensitive reactions, prevents / reduces anemia, whitens, promotes healing, wound healing, reduces cholesterol absorption, promotes bowel movements and reduces the incidence of rectal cancer, Prevent aging, prevent cancer, prevent pigmentation, strengthen microvessel wall to prevent congestion, strengthen bone collagen binding, increase disease resistance, promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue, and reduce the severity of acne

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