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Forever Bee Royal Jelly-(蜂皇浆)

Forever Bee Royal Jelly-(蜂皇浆)

Main ingredients:

Royal jelly is processed in tablets, and its nutritional value is 10 times longer than that of liquid royal jelly. Each tablet contains 250 mg of pure royal jelly, containing essential amino acids, proteins, minerals, and complex vitamin B group Niacin acid, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and other important physiologically active substances are precious foods with extremely high nutritional content, and are the only royal diet in the queen bee's life.



蜂皇浆以锭状处理,其保存营养价值的时间比液状蜂王乳长10倍,每片含有250毫克纯正蜂皇浆,含有必需胺基酸,蛋白质,矿物质,复合维他命乙群,亦 含烟碱酸,生物素,叶酸,泛酸等重要生理活性物质,为一营养成份极高的珍贵食品,是女王蜂一生唯一的御膳。

  • 主要功效:



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